11 Ocak 2016 Pazartesi

Taking Great Exception to the End of Visiting Hours

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet and HaberTürk Newspapers, 11 January 2016)

Image result for hemşireye dayak güvenlik kamerasında
     Nurse Yıldız has applied for combat pay. 

Fourth floor night nurse Ayşe Yıldız was informing visitors that
visiting hours were over on the evening of 30 December at Dr.
Sami Ersek Chest, Heart Veins Surgery Hospital in Üsküdar,

When nurse Yıldız entered the room of Yaşar S. (64), who was
waiting to be operated on the following day, she informed the 6
visitors there that "visiting hours have been over for 45 minutes.
Please leave the room."  In response, the six visitors began raining
down insults and curses on nurse Yıldız.

Image result for quiet hospital zone
        Edited for 30 December.

Yıldız called out 'Code White', related to an attack on hospital
personnel, and fled to the nurses room.  The visitors, though,
pursued her there and began to strike her. After sustaining wounds
to her neck and eye, nurse Yıldız filed a complaint at the police station.

Nurse Yıldız wrote about the incident on the "Code White" webpage
relating that "one of the patient's female relatives just about flew into
me with a kick.  They pulled me out into the corridor, threw me to
the floor and began to strangle me. One of the men began to hit me.
I thought I was going to die. After they beat me, they strolled away
as if nothing had happened."

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Wouldn't you know it, forgot to put this sign up that night.

Patient Yaşar S. claimed not to know the attackers, who had sat
with him in his room for two hours (!).  After the incident, he left
the hospital without getting his operation.  

Image result for üsküdar haritası
              Üsküdar district, Istanbul

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